Financial support to librarians
The "Library Country" charitable foundation together with the Ukrainian Library Association are creating a fund to provide financial assistance to librarians who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
The "Library Country" charitable foundation together with the Ukrainian Library Association are creating a fund to provide financial assistance to librarians who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine and the entire civilized world continues! Russia also began to destroy Ukrainian education and culture: bombing libraries, museums, universities, schools, as well as world landmarks, which is a gross violation of international humanitarian law.
Благодійна організація «Благодійний фонд «Бібліотечна країна» оголошує тендер на закупівлю книжкової продукції в рамках проєкту міжнародної технічної допомоги «Скорочення поширеності факторів ризику неінфекційних захворювань (НІЗ) в Україні», що фінансується Урядом Швейцарської Конфедерації через Швейцарську агенцію з розвитку та співробітництва Міністерства закордонних справ Швейцарії (SDС)
From now on, the "Library Country" charitable foundation is a partner of the Ukrainian-Swiss project "Acting for Health", with the support of which we are launching a new unique project "Health care and disease prevention through libraries and literature".
It has already become a good tradition to sum up and analyze all the work done and achievements at the end of the year. For our charitable foundation, the year 2021 turned out to be fruitful and became another step in the direction of reforming and modernizing the library system of Ukraine.