We will be grateful for your contribution to raising the intellectual potential of the country through the development of libraries and the promotion of reading! A convenient way to help is to set up regular payments in Privat24 or through the Patreon website.


  1. 1. Go to menu Privat 24
  2. 2. Choose the menu "All services" —"Regular payments (Calendar)".

3. In the 'Create a new regular payment' field, enter 'Library Country' or 39821457

4. In the drop-down menu, select "Library Country". Specify the purpose "For statutory tasks" and choose the amount convenient for you.

5. Adjust the payment: select the card from which the debit will take place, select the date of debit. Click the "Add to payment calendar" button. You can change the amount or cancel the payment at any time.

Вітаємо, ви стали регулярним благодійником БФ “Бібліотечна країна”!


  1. 1. Go to the www.patreon.com page and sign up with Google or Facebook account

2. Choose a convenient amount of support and click ‘Join’

3. Enter the payment card details and click “Get Started”. You can change the amount of support and cancel your regular payment at any time.

Вітаємо! Ви стали патроном БФ “Бібліотечна країна”!

You can also support the activities of the Foundation by transferring the charitable contribution according to the details:

Account UA493510050000026008593756000, JSC "UkrSibbank", MFO 351005, USREOU 39821457, BO "Charitable Foundation" Library Country ", purpose of payment" Charitable contribution to the statutory tasks of the Fund ". 

Every donation is important!

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