Healthy libraries
There are currently 49 Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) communities across the country in the United States.
There are currently 49 Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) communities across the country in the United States.
As repositories of national culture and consciousness, the libraries and archives of Ukraine have become a target of Russian aggression.
On April 21, the "Modern library - a space for community development: opportunities, challenges, good practices" session was held in Kyiv under the organization of the "Library Country" charitable foundation as part of the "Strength of Partnership" Open Public Spaces Summit.
Оголошуємо результати другого етапу акції “Нова сторінка”, яку ми впроваджуємо спільно із народною депутаткою України Євгенією Кравчук
The guide was compiled based on the experience of implementing the "Health care through libraries and literature" component by the "Library Country" charitable foundation as part of the implementation of the Ukraine-Swiss project "Act for Health" in 2022.