There was an exchange of experiences of the libraries of Great Britain and Ukraine

26 січня Благодійним Фондом «Бібліотечна країна» за підтримки британської благодійної організації «Libraries Connected» було організовано зустріч для обміну досвідом між британськими та українськими бібліотеками.

Posted 1 month ago

How can the library provide paid services?

When organizing paid services, focus on your target audience. Who is she and what services does she need? But remember that every visitor should have a choice: to choose a paid or free service. At the same time, try to organize services that are interesting first of all for yourself - then they will interest the user as well. If there is a paid service, the money earned will go back to the library and can be spent on improving it.

Posted 1 month ago