Can a library be a leader in environmental education? Yes!
The Library Country Charitable Foundation is creating a Green Library educational space at the Shumsk Public Library in the Ternopil region. The new space in the library will combine an updated demonstration area and an educational program on environmental protection for children and their parents.

The project is primarily aimed at educating the younger generation about the ideas and goals of sustainable development.
New space will be organized in Shumsk public library, Ternopil region and will include creative ecodesign (natural colors, natural materials), decorative elements from recycled materials, new books on environmental issues and the world around us, educational program (lectures and workshops on environmental issues, waste sorting, and recycling, biodiversity conservation, etc.).
Публічна бібліотека Шумська є центром розвитку Шумської громади, проводить регулярні заходи для дітей та дорослих та є сучасним центром інформації, комунікації та дозвілля.
We are collecting UAH 20,000 to implement the project!

We offer you to become a patron of the project and make your contribution to the development of environmental education for the new generation!
Recalculation can be made according to the details: Charitable Foundation "Library Country", R / r UA493510050000026008593756000 in JSC "UkrSibbank", MFO 351005, USREOU 39821457 Purpose of payment: "Green Library". And also in the main menu of the site, you can use the button "Support contribution".
The project is also submitted to the public budget of the Shumsk community, details
About projects in local Ternopil region media: Ternopil express news, portal Our day
The Green Library movement has been developing around the world for over 20 years. Green Libraries demonstrate the practice of sustainable consumption by their example and implement educational work among the population.