"AlterFundLib" is a cultural and educational project for the development of skills in alternative financing of library activities
New initiative "AlterFundLib" - librarians are invited to participate!
New initiative "AlterFundLib" - librarians are invited to participate!
Читомо поговорило з директоркою Херсонської обласної бібліотеки імені Олеся Гончара Надією Коротун про те, як бібліотека і її працівники давали собі раду в окупації, викрадені росіянами цінні стародруки й руйнування книгозбірень Херсонщини, колаборантів і небезпеку для життя, якщо з окупантами не співпрацювати.
When organizing paid services, focus on your target audience. Who is she and what services does she need? But remember that every visitor should have a choice: to choose a paid or free service. At the same time, try to organize services that are interesting first of all for yourself - then they will interest the user as well. If there is a paid service, the money earned will go back to the library and can be spent on improving it.
"Library Country" team organized librarians to participate in the International Partnership Forum as part of the "Lib:continuation" project.
Watch the video report of our regional meeting of "healthy" libraries in Rivne!